Our Vision
Is PowerfulAnalyticalInclusive
We are committed to enable functional and structural MRI to fulfil its potential as a powerful, non-invasive biomarker for a wide range of diseases and disease treatments
We Lead
We bring together leading neuro-imaging experts to provide the best solutions for your research questions. By measuring and comparing many aspects of brain structure and function, we can obtain objective, sensitive information that is a valuable complement to existing methods for investigating neuropsychiatric disease and potential treatments. Together with your study team we enable functional and structural MRI to fulfil its rich potential as a powerful, non-invasive biomarker for a wide range of diseases and disease treatments.

We Implement
We determine the optimal processing pipeline for your data in collaboration with the clinical trial team and the affiliated CRO. This allows us to tailor our services to a client’s specific needs, implementing those steps that are regarded state-of-the-art in the neuroimaging domain that the client targets.
SBGneuro provides these expert services with a maximum of security and a minimum of overhead. Our analysis pipeline begins with the receipt of de-identified data from the CRO. We offer industry-standard mechanisms for secure and encrypted data upload onto dedicated servers, followed by local quality control, optimised data pre-processing, and structural and functional analysis. We extract a large repertoire of (f)MRI outcome measures, each representing a valid and distinct biomarker of activity or connectivity.
We Deliver
At study completion or upon completion of interim analysis we deliver results to the CRO or directly to the clinical trial team. We thereby adhere to specified data transfer specifications or deliver fully customized imaging analyses reports. This stream-lined model allows us to deliver secure, robust results in a timely, flexible, and cost-efficient manner. Our post-trial services provide guidance on data interpretation and assistance with publication of results.